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light/dark, reveal/conceal collage series, 2021

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<i>'MORE THAN AN EMPTY VOID'</i> from <i>light/dark, reveal/conceal</i>: sharpie, acrylic paint, oil pastel, and contact sheet thumbnails on 35mm black and white photograph
<i>'I CAN SEE YOU  BEST IN THE DARK'</i> from <i>light/dark, reveal/conceal</i>: magazine cutouts, acrylic medium seal, oil pastel, and 35mm film on black and white 35mm photograph
<i>'DOES THE GLARE HIT YOUR EYES'</i> from <i>light/dark, conceal/reveal</i>: magazine and book cutouts, sharpie, oil pastel, and acrylic paint on black and white 35mm photograph
<i>'A CHASM YAWNS'</i> from <i>light/dark, reveal/conceal</i>: sharpie, acetone, paint marker, and gel pen on black and white 35mm photograph
<i>'THE SAME AS WHAT'S REAL'</i> (detail 1/2) from <i>light/dark, reveal/conceal</i>: gloss gel image transfer, black and white test strip cutout, magazine cutout, paint marker, oil pastel, binder clip, and receipt on black and white 35mm photograph
<i>'THE SAME AS WHAT'S REAL'</i> (detail 2/2) from (<i>light/dark, reveal/conceal</i>): gloss gel image transfer, black and white test strip cutout, magazine cutout, paint marker, oil pastel, binder clip, and receipt on black and white 35mm photograph

Zoë LeBrun
light/dark, reveal/conceal collage series
multimedia collages on original black and white 35mm photo prints

Exploring the dichotomy between the various meanings of light and dark.

Realizing the capability of light to burn out as well as illuminate and the capacity of darkness to reveal just as much as it conceals.