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Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control, 2024

Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic) was hosted by send+receive festival of sound v.26 at The Output, Video Pool Media Arts Centre, October 11, 2024.

Human Physiology: Ch. 15, Blood Flow + Control is an experimental sound performance by Zoë LeBrun, which was hosted by send+receive at The Output, Video Pool Media Arts Centre, October 11, 2024 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Transposed from an anatomy textbook, Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control is an algorithmic flute composition accompanied by solfeggio tones and sounds of the interior body. Paired with abstracted MRI imagery edited in Video Pool’s Analog Editing Suite, Blood Flow + Control parallels visual glitches with auditory ones, blurring the lines between bodies of text, sound, and the physical world through experimental live performance.

Continue below to see photo documentation of live performance or watch video documentation by Robert Szkolnicki here or embedded in browser at bottom of page.

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<i>Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic)</i> performance documentation by Robert Szkolnicki. Photograph of the artist (Z. LeBrun) playing flute during performance.
<i>'Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic)</i> performance documentation by Robert Szkolnicki. Photograph of the artist (Z. LeBrun) creating percussive sounds on stethoscope microphone.
<i>Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic)</i> performance documentation by Robert Szkolnicki. Photograph of the artist (Z. LeBrun) at front of stage creating percussive sounds on stethoscope mic. Video with echocardiogram imagery behind artist; crowd in foreground.
Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic)</i> performance documentation by Robert Szkolnicki. Photograph of the artist (Z. LeBrun) holding and playing stethoscope microphone.
Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control (v. 8 chromatic)</i> performance documentation by Robert Szkolnicki. Edited double exposure photograph of the artist (Z. LeBrun) playing flute during set.

Video documentation by Robert Szkolnicki of
Human Physiology: Blood Flow + Control by Zoë LeBrun: